Step 1: Add items to your shopping cart

  1. You can shop by clicking the “SHOP BY CATEGORY” menu or scrolling down the page to choose the highlighted items; such as TOP CATEGORIES, BEST SELLER and etc.
  2. Point the mouse cursor on the chosen product you want, and then click the “QUICK VIEW” to view complete details of the product.
  3. If ready to purchase, add a quantity on the text box beside “ADD TO CART“.
  4. Click “ADD TO CART” to purchase the chosen product.
  5. To go back shopping, simply click the “SHOP BY CATEGORY”
  6. Repeat the same steps for other items in other product category.
  7. To check out, review items added in your cart by clicking “VIEW CART” at the upper right hand corner of the Site.

Step 2: Check out and Make Payment

Point your mouse on the upper right corner of the site, then click “CHECKOUT” if you’re satisfied with your purchases, then please proceed with completing the checkout process with the following steps:

  1. Login/Register to your Account 
    • If you are a returning customer, just click “here to log in” and enter username or email address, and your password then click “LOGIN”.
    • If you’re a new customer, kindly register using the form provided.
    • You can use the “Order Notes” space for instructions and other reminders.
  2. Payment Method 
    • Choose the mode of payment by clicking only one of these:
      • Cash on Delivery – provided that there is prior coordination to our telemarketers
      • Online Payment
      • Paymaya /Debit and Credit Card
    • After choosing your payment method, click “PLACE ORDER”
    • Coupon Code 
      • If you have coupon code, you can use it by clicking “enter code here”